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Here's some more pictures from September 1998. This is a selection of close-ups of Cozy's beautiful face and profile.

GAD Newf Picture

As I gaze out into the grand expanse that is the world, I can only think of one thing - The kong sitting on top of the fence post, not three feet away.

GAD Newf Picture

I've got the Kong now. It's mine. No I don't want you to throw it, I want to just sit here and enjoy it's fruity bouquet and subtle aroma.

GAD Newf Picture

Have you hugged your dog today? Hey - I'm talking to you!

GAD Newf Picture

A Newf among Newfs. Well, we think so anyway.

GAD Newf Picture

I took advantage of Cozy sitting so angelically still to take some nice profile shots. She sure is concentrating on something isn't she?

GAD Newf Picture

What a face. But what could make our normally rambunctious one year old Newf pup sit still and be so good for so long? Amazing isn't it?

View the next installment for the answer.

Thus endeth this installment of Cosette's page.

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Be Well, Be Strong.