Yes more pictures of our beloved Daisy. These were taken in September of 1998.
Daisy getting a much needed break from Cozy.
Look into my eyes - You are getting very sleepy...
Daisy's way of saying "I love you"
Daisy's way of saying "I'm too cute not to get a cookie".
Daisy on a hot day taking a break on the cool cement. You'll notice Cozy is not around. It is Cozy that Daisy is taking a break from.
This is what has come to be known as "The Daisy face". It speaks volumes.
Black and white digital photography. You gotta love it.
Daisy is firmly convinced that she is a person. As such, she is to be treated to all of the trappings that a person deserves. Like Chairs for example.
Thus endeth this installment of Daisy's page.
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Be Well, Be Strong.